El Ciclo de Grandes Conciertos CSMA presenta un nuevo concierto el próximo día 8 de abril a las 19:30 en el Auditorio Eduardo del Pueyo....
Próxima cita en el Ciclo Atmósferas el lunes 24 de marzo a las 19:30 h. Esta vez a cargo de la Orquesta de Flautas del...
¿Quieres conocer el proyecto MUSETHICA? Te esperamos el próximo día 19 de marzo a las 13:30 h en el Auditorio Eduardo del Pueyo para contarte qué es...
Organizado por el aula de Instrumentos de Púa del CSMA, el próximo día 25 de marzo el Auditorio Eduardo del Pueyo acogerá una insólita exposición...
The Conservatory of Music of Aragon (CSMA) is a young and dynamic centre of studies that has gained a reputation as one of the better renowned musical higher education institutions.
The CSMA is a public centre, dependant on the Department for Education, Culture, and Sport of the Government of Aragon. Our institutions are committed to turning our teaching into an integrating axis and promoter of artistic and cultural quality. Our courses guarantee all our students the acquisition of the professional skills required for their entry to the most demanding labour market.
Many of our former alumni are now members of outstanding national and international orchestras, and also many of the currently leading Spanish composers or conductors have studied in our school. With over 300 students of every instrumental specialty, and of Composition and Conducting, the CSMA is a dynamic, modern, creative and innovative centre, with more than one hundred teachers who are first-class professionals from all musical disciplines.