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            CSMA 2024 ON-ROAD PROGRAM           


The En Ruta CSMA program establishes as lines of activity agreements of collaboration and active participation with each and every one of the professional conservatories of the community of Aragón: Alcañiz, Huesca, Monzón, Tarazona, Teruel, Sabiñánigo and Zaragoza, as well as professional centers or authorized academies of this community.


The objective of the program is the coordination and implementation of activities, master classes or clinics, open classes by CSMA teachers, orientation classes aimed at students from professional centers, orchestral repertoire classes, workshops, didactic sessions, events and concerts of the different CSMA specialties in the classrooms and auditoriums of the different professional schools and conservatories of the community of Aragon assigned to the En Ruta CSMA activities program that will take place from March 1 to May 1, 2024. The En Ruta CSMA activities program offers at the same time, completely free guided tours and CSMA seasonal concerts, as well as the participation of the different instrumental, vocal or conducting and composition chairs and specialties. CSMA in the professional conservatories and musical centers of Aragon.


The program is open and dual-directed, offering the possibility to any classroom and teacher from professional music conservatories and/or recognized academies in the community of Aragon to visit and participate with their respective classrooms and students of any age, in the CSMA to learn in situ about their plan of activities through organized guided tours.




The En Ruta CSMA program is materialized through the signing of an AGREEMENT between musical educational centers. The management teams of the professional conservatories and/or participating center or academy and the Aragon Superior Conservatory of Music as host are responsible for ratifying said agreement through its signature between those responsible.




The management team of the Professional Conservatory and/or applicant centers will establish the necessary mechanisms for the dissemination of the En Ruta CSMA program in their center, providing the information and teaching schedules necessary to carry out the activity plan to all teachers interested in participating, who must complete the attached application form.





TALK PRESENTATION OF THE SPECIALTY: (talk about the academic development and lines of activity of the CSMA specialty)

CLINIC AND/OR OPEN CLASSES: (classes taught by CSMA teacher(s) aimed at CSMA degree students)

CLINIC AND/OR GUIDANCE CLASSES: (classes taught by the CSMA teacher/s and/or students aimed at students of professional conservatories)

CLINIC AND/OR ORCHESTAL REPERTOIRE CLASSES: (classes taught by the CSMA teacher/s and/or students aimed at students of professional conservatories)

DIDACTIC SESSION: (didactic presentation session or narrated micro session aimed at parents and students)

CONCERT-MICRO CONCERT: (concert aimed at parents and students, preferably in the educational center auditorium)



To participate in the CSMA Route program, the professor responsible for the specialty or department responsible for the activities of the center and/or professional conservatory assigned by AGREEMENT must send an email with the attached form to jefatura.comunicacion@csmaragon.es. Once received, the CSMA professor responsible for the requested specialty will directly contact the contact professor of the professional center and requesting specialty to establish, agree and schedule the possible activities. that will be presented in the corresponding lines of activity established from projects and activities in Route CSMA 2024.