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Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, And Cookie Policy




The protection of privacy is essential to the Conservatory of Music of Aragón hereinafter “the CSMA”. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the terms of how our website works.

Our aim is for you to rely on our transparent and rigorous data processing as we strive to handle your data securely, carefully, and responsibly.

This Privacy Policy regulates both the processing of personal data by the CSMA as the data controller, and also the data protection regime applicable to the services provided when the CSMA acts as the data processor of the data provided by users in its different services. In both cases, we strictly comply with the requirements of the current legislation on personal data protection. We maintain the utmost respect for the data and privacy of our users.

This Policy is permanently accessible through the link “Privacy Policy” provided on our website. This Policy might be updated at any time, either as a result of a regulatory change or due to a change in the configuration of the services we provide. Modifications that imply changes in the provision of the service or require the consent of the interested parties will be reported sufficiently in advance so that the interested parties may express their views on the matter or so that users may adopt the measures they deem appropriate concerning the reported modifications. If users do not state their opposition or use the service after the provided period is over, their acceptance of the new terms will be understood.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about how we use your personal information, in compliance with the provisions and requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation and is complemented by our disclaimer:



  • Website Owner: Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón (CSMA)
  • Spanish VAT number: Q5068058-F
  • Registered address: Vía Hispanidad N.º 22. Zaragoza (Spain) – Zip code: 50009
  • Email: administracion(at)csma.es

The CSMA processes data fairly and lawfully. It only processes data considered adequate, relevant, and necessary concerning the specific, explicit, and legitimate scope and purposes for which they are obtained. Furthermore, the CSMA does not use the data for purposes incompatible with those for which they were collected.



By reading this Privacy Policy, you are informed about how the CSMA collects, processes, and protects your personal data provided through the forms on the website csma.es, hereinafter referred to as the “website”. You are also informed about the data derived from their browsing and other data that you may provide to us in the future.

This Privacy Policy has been carefully written in plain and clear language. You should read it carefully and voluntarily determining whether you wish to provide their data to be added to the CSMA.



It is not compulsory to provide any data to access and/or browse the CSMA website. There are certain cases where replying to questions or introducing data is mandatory and that will be indicated by an asterisk (*). If such mandatory data are not submitted by the user, we will not be able to provide the related service or functionality.

Users of the CSMA website and services are responsible for the veracity, reliability, and accuracy of the data they provide. All data provided by them shall be considered verified, updated, and accurate. Users may modify and/or update their data and preferences regarding the processing of the data provided or the cancellation of subscriptions to the Newsletters employing the procedures described in this document.



We keep a file of personal data from our users in the legitimate interests of identifying the users of an educational institution and providing information on news and services that may be of interest to our users and subscribers. The data you provide will only be used for the purposes described in the subscription form according to what you select.

The personal data collected will be processed for the following purposes:

  • Managing subscriptions to our Newsletters through the channels provided on the CSMA website and app.
  • Management of forums (only applicable to registered users who meet the requirements for each of them).
  • Managing communications and notifications sent by the CSMA.
  • Managing surveys on the use of the CSMA’s services to improve the user experience..

The CSMA will keep any personal data obtained in the process of rendering any service, as well as any document or computer medium where they were provided, for the time relevant to the purpose for which they were collected, and may keep them —duly blocked— for a reasonable time to justify the service provided to the interested parties or to the entities or institutions sponsoring or financing said service.

At the end of that period, the CSMA shall delete the data and destroy any document or computer medium where they were provided, considering the characteristics of the service. Discarding of information shall be carried out with no further requirement of issuing any formal communication or certification stating its completion.



Ownership of the file and data quality

As data controller, the CSMA hereby informs users that both the personal data provided by users when registering and the data they provide to use any of the services offered or to resolve any incident communicated by any of the available means of contact (e-mail or other means), are incorporated or may be incorporated into a file owned by the CSMA.

No personal data are collected via this website, nor are they transferred to third parties without the consent of the interested party. Please check our Cookie Policy on our disclaimer and use of cookies sections.

Any personal data provided by users are incorporated into the files owned by the CSMA, which is also the data controller. The files are located at the CSMA’s registered office.

The CSMA guarantees the technical and organisational measures necessary for the security and integrity of the personal data they contain, preventing their alteration, loss, unauthorised processing, or access, and shall process the following categories of data:

  • Identification data: name and surname, ID card number.
  • Contact data: address, telephone number, mobile phone number, postal address, e-mail.
  • Personal profile data: date of birth, age, sex, nationality.
  • Other data: data provided by the interested parties themselves in the open fields of the forms provided on the website or the app.
  • Data proceeding from website navigation.

If users provide data from third parties they state they have their consent. Users also commit to pass on the information contained in the Privacy Policy to the owner of said data. Thus, the CSMA is exempted from any liability regarding this point. To this end, it may carry out the necessary verifications to ascertain this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures under data protection regulations.

The CSMA undertakes to maintain professional secrecy concerning the data to which it has access under the provision of the services and the duty to keep them, obligations that will persist even after the end of its relationship with the person/user. All other obligations concerning the processing on behalf of third parties shall cease to be in effect when data have been deleted or removed from the data storage equipment or otherwise destroyed or rendered inaccessible.



We use cookies and other web analytics services on our website to improve your browsing experience and for the technical requirements of the website itself. Please consult our disclaimer, terms of use and cookies policy.



The processing of data to provide certain services through the website and app is necessary to fulfil the CSMA’s purposes.

Users consent to the processing of their data in the terms indicated above by accepting this Privacy Policy when registering as a user of the CSMA services, or when sending information or using any of the means of contact provided on the csma.es website, or when using the specific service that requires such processing.

Users must refrain from providing personal data of other interested parties unless they are duly authorized to do so. This authorization includes that the other interested parties shall have been previously and duly informed of the contents of this Privacy Policy, and more specifically, that they consent to their data being provided to the CSMA to be processed in accordance with the legitimate purposes, as well as that they may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (hereinafter jointly referred to as ARCO) under the terms described in this Policy. In any case, the registered data will be discarded as soon as they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected, although they might be kept – duly blocked – for a reasonable time to justify the service provided to the interested parties or to the entities or institutions sponsoring, or financing said service.

The processing for the aforementioned purposes will always be done with the previous consent of the user or based on the aforementioned legitimate interest. Such consent will be necessary to comply with the user’s request. Furthermore, in the event that the user withdraws his or her consent to any of the processing, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.

To revoke their consent, users may contact the CSMA through the following channels: by letter, addressed to the CSMA at the address shown in the identification; or by email, to the address indicated above.



The CSMA does not transfer data to third parties unless there is a National or UE regulation that stipulates otherwise, or if it is necessary for the provision of the service it intends to provide. In such cases, the CSMA only communicates the essential data needed to managing the user’s request and providing the services required. In this case, data transfer responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of an existing relationship between the interested parties and the CSMA and the fact that its development, fulfilment, and management necessarily involve connecting data and includes the necessary transfer of said data. If users leave a comment or interact socially with the CSMA website or via any of the social networks in which the CSMA might be, they should be aware that their data will appear publicly in the environment in which they are interacting. In other words, they will be expressly authorising the communication of the personal data, associated with the activities they are carrying out such as their name or location, to the other users accessing the website or social network.

Users’ data may be communicated to:

  • The Conservatory of Music of Aragon (CSMA) itself, solely for internal administrative purposes and/or for the aforementioned purposes.
  • Public administrations and competent national and/or European authorities, in the cases set out by the current legislation.




  • Guarantee that they are over eighteen (18) years old and that the data they provide is correct, accurate, complete, and up to date. To this effect, the users are responsible for the authenticity of all the data they communicate and will keep the information provided suitably updated so that it matches their real status.
  • They claim to have informed any third parties from whom they may provide their data, of the aspects contained in this document. They also guarantee that they have obtained their authorisation to provide their data for the aforementioned purposes.
  • They will be liable for any false or inaccurate information they provide through the website and app and for any direct or indirect damages that this may cause to the CSMA or to third parties.



One of the legitimate purposes for which the CSMA processes the personal data provided is to send emails with information related to events or with news relevant to the users. Whenever such communications are sent, they will be addressed solely and exclusively to those users who have not previously expressed their refusal to receive them. If the users wish to stop receiving communications, they will be able to do so, as explained in section 7.



Users may send a letter to the address indicated in the heading of this Policy, enclosing a photocopy of their identity document, in order to:

  • Revoke any consent given.
  • Obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed.
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Request the deletion of their data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collectedv.
  • Request the portability of their data.
  • File a complaint regarding their data protection when the interested party considers that the rights stated by the applicable data protection regulations have been violated.



The CSMA shall process all data from the users confidentially, and shall keep them secret, by the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting the necessary technical and organisational measures for that purpose, in order to guarantee the security of users’ data and prevent their alteration, loss, or unauthorised processing or access.

The CSMA only provides the technical infrastructure and, if so agreed, the administration thereof, its responsibility is limited to the security measures provided concerning these functions. Therefore, its liability shall be limited to those tasks which due to their nature must be directly carried out by the CSMA in the process of providing their services.

The CSMA declines any responsibility for the violation of the security systems of the virtual server(s) they have a contract with or the inviolability of the information when it is moved through any communications network.

The CSMA shall also not be liable for any security incidents that occur as a consequence of an attack or unauthorised access to the systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect or prevent it, even when the necessary measures as per the current state of the art of the technology are taken, or due to a lack of diligence on the part of the users concerning the custody and safekeeping of their access codes and/or personal data.



To ensure that our data protection guidelines always comply with current regulations, we reserve the right to make any changes required to keep up to date with current legislation.



In general, relations arising from the provision of the services contained in this portal are subject to Spanish laws and jurisdiction.

Last updated: 1st of October 2019








In compliance with Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11th of July 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) and current Spanish legislation, as well as with the provisions and requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation, we inform you of the following:

  • Website owner: Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón (hereinafter “CSMA”)
  • Spanish VAT number: Q5068058-F
  • Registered address: Vía Hispanidad N.º 22. Zaragoza (Spain) – Zip code: 50009
  • Email: administracion (at) csma.es



These terms of use the “Terms of use” or the “Terms” regulate the rights and obligations of the CSMA and their website users concerning access, browsing, and use, without prejudice to the fact that the CSMA reserves the right to modify their content without prior notice. In any case, access by the user to the website or the app once any such modification is applied, implies the acceptance by the user of the Terms with the modifications introduced.

Browsing this portal grants user status to you. Therefore, you will be subject to these terms in the current version applicable whenever you access it.

However, access to certain contents and the use of certain services may be subject to certain specific conditions, which will be clearly displayed in all cases and must be expressly accepted by users beforehand. These particular conditions may replace, complete, or, where appropriate, modify these Terms of use.

On this matter, and without prejudice to the provisions of these Terms of use, the use of any service offered by the CSMA shall be regulated by the general and/or specific conditions of each specific service provided for this purpose.

For the purposes of interpretation of these Terms of use, we understand that a person becomes a user at the very moment in which he/she accept the Terms of use, the Privacy Policy, and the rest of the legal texts and policies of use that are accessible from the website or the app. The fact that the user is browsing is sufficient to understand that they are accepting them in a conscious and informed manner.

The CSMA will pursue the breach of the conditions mentioned above and any improper use of the contents presented on its website, pursuing all civil and criminal actions which may be available by law.



Accessing the contents of the website and app is completely free of charge and does not require prior registration, without prejudice of the fact that there may be particular sections or services that require prior registration or the provision of the appropriate password for accessing them.

Under no circumstances shall the CSMA be responsible for the truthfulness of the data provided by users upon registration, and each user shall be solely responsible for the adequacy, accuracy, and precision of the information provided or, when that is not the case, for the possible consequences that may arise from the lack of quality of the data.

3.1 Transfer of data to third parties.

Personal data will not be transferred to third parties unless the users have given their consent to this effect or unless any of the legal circumstances permitting such transfer to exist.

The CSMA authorises its contents to be mentioned on other websites, with the treatment they consider appropriate, only when quoting the source and not reproducing the contents of www.csma.es and APPCSMA in their entirety. In case of including a hypertext link to any of its pages, users must be aware that they are entering csma.es and the URL address must be visible in their browser.

3.2 User registration requirements.

Users may be required to register prior to the provision of certain services and asked to complete at least any registration data deemed mandatory on the forms provided for this purpose.

To register as a user, it is an essential requirement to be over eighteen (18) years of age and to provide all the mandatory information required. Registered users are accepting that their user account is personal and non-transferable. Both individual persons and legal entities may become registered users.

All registered users will have a password for access, which will be personal and non-transferable and will be valid for a limited time. This password must meet minimum length and security requirements. The user may modify or recover this password at any time, following the procedure provided for this purpose.

On that basis, users must immediately notify the CSMA of any event that may lead to the improper use of their usernames and/or passwords, such as theft, loss, or unauthorised access, to proceed to their immediate cancellation. Until such events are communicated to them, the CSMA shall be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse of usernames or passwords by unauthorised third parties.

3.3 Unsubscribing as a registered user.

The user may, at any time, request to unsubscribe from the website. They only need to communicate this via the addresses stated above or by the website or the app themselves.

In either case, users may request a new registration once they are unsubscribed. The CSMA has the right of not accepting such registration in the specific cases specified in the clause called “Terms of Use of the website or the app”, or in the event of a conflict or dispute between the parties, which has not yet been resolved or which has ended with the user acknowledgement of fault, negligence and/or damage to the Provider, its collaborators, associates or its users.



A cookie is a small text file that gets stored in your browser whenever you visit any website. Its use is for the website to remember your visit when you return to browse that page again. Cookies usually store information of a technical nature, personal preferences, personalisation of content, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The purpose of the cookies is to adapt the content of the website to your profile and needs. Without cookies, the services offered by any page would be significantly reduced. If you wish to consult more information about what cookies are, what they store, how to delete them, disable them, etc.

You can access cookie configuration settings the first time you visit our website, through the pop-up window appearing at the bottom of your screen.

4.1 Cookies used on this website.

Following the guidelines given by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we will explain underneath the use this website makes of cookies in order to inform you as accurately as possible about such uses.

This website uses the following cookies:

  • Session cookies: to ensure that users who write comments on the blog are human and not automated applications. They help us fight spam.

This website uses the following third-party cookies:

  • Google Analytics: It stores cookies to compile statistics on the traffic and volume of visits to this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of your information by Google. Therefore, when exercising any of your rights in this regard you must communicate directly with Google.
  • Social networks: Each social network uses its own cookies for you to click on buttons such as Like or Share.
  • MailPoet Newsletters: To send newsletters and their monitoring and reading.

4.2 Cookies Management

Cookies will be installed after obtaining user consent. We consider that we have obtained this consent if the user browses our website or carries out specific actions that imply express authorisation for the installation of cookies.

If users wish to revoke the consent given, they should delete the cookies saved in their browser and, where appropriate, modify their preferences regarding the acceptance of cookies through their browser options. To prevent them from being installed in the future, you must activate the Private Browsing or “Do-Not-Track” options provided in your browser in order to, i.e., block or deactivate the installation of cookies.

4.3 To allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer or device by configuring the browser options installed on it, you must follow the instructions provided by the browser itself. Here are the links to configure the cookies of the most popular browsers:

If you use any other browser or the links provided do not have the information you want, you can find out how to manage the cookies installed on your computer by accessing the “Options” or “Settings” menu -—or equivalent— of your browser, or by consulting the “Help” or “Support” section of the browser itself.

Some browsers allow you to configure specific rules, or exceptions, to manage cookies depending on the website you visit so that you can disable cookies from all sites except those you trust.

If you wish to disable remarketing cookie-based advertisements, you can use the following links: Facebook and Twitter. You can also set the “Do not track” option on Twitter.

To manage “Google ads” you can use the following link: Manage your Google Ads. You can also opt-out of information collecting from DoubleClick (Google), Facebook, Twitter, and others via the following links: networkadvertising.org,youronlinechoices.comy aboutads.info.

Alternatively, if you do not want the Google Analytics JavaScript to collect data of your visit, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. The add-on does not prevent information from being sent to the website or, in other ways, to other web analytics services. Additional privacy settings for Google services can be found at the following links: Privacy Controls Google and Privacy partners Google.

4.4 Additional notes on cookie policy.

  • Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or the truthfulness of the privacy policies of the third parties mentioned in this cookie policy.
  • Web browsers are the tools responsible for storing cookies, and this is where you should exercise your right to delete or disable them. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of cookies by the aforementioned browsers.
  • In some cases, it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget your decision not to accept them.
  • In the case of Google Analytics cookies, this company stores cookies on servers located in the United States and commits to not share them with third parties, except in cases where it is necessary for the management of their system or where the law requires it to do so. According to Google, it does not store your IP address. Google Inc. is a company that adheres to the Safe Harbour Agreement that guarantees that all data transferred will be treated with a level of protection according to European Regulations. If you would like more information on how Google uses cookies please follow this link.
  • If you have any doubts or queries about this cookies policy, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact section.



The CSMA is the owner, or where applicable, has the corresponding licences for the rights of the design and programming of our website and the contents offered on it, including, but not limited to, the platform itself, texts, photographs or illustrations, logos, trademarks, graphics, designs, interfaces, or any other information or content available through the web.

Under no circumstances shall it be understood that access, browsing, and use of the website by the user, or the use, acquisition, and/or request for services offered through the same imply the waiver, transmission, licence, or total or partial transfer of said rights by the CSMA in favour of the user. The user has the right to use the contents and/or services of the website within a strictly domestic context for accessing and browsing the website and solely to enjoy the services provided by these Terms of Use.

At no time, unless expressly stated otherwise, does access, browsing, or use of the website and/or its contents confer on the user any right over the distinctive signs, contents, or services included therein.

All intellectual property rights over the contents and/or services of the website are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform, or distribute, by any means and in any form, all or part of the contents included on the website for public or commercial purposes, without the prior, express, and written authorisation of the CSMA or, where applicable, of the holder of the corresponding rights.

Additionally, it is forbidden to remove or manipulate the copyright indications or other credits that identify the holders of the rights of the contents that the user finds on the website, as well as the technical protection devices, or any protection mechanism or information incorporated into the contents offered on the website.

If the user sends any information to the Provider by any of the channels provided for this purpose, the user declares, guarantees, and accepts that they have the right to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties, and that such information is not confidential or cause any harm to third parties, assuming otherwise all possible liabilities arising therefrom.

Additionally, if any user or third party considers that any of the contents of the website offered by the CSMA infringes their intellectual and/or industrial property rights or any other rights, they must send a communication to administracion(at)csma.es with the following information:

  • Identification and contact details of the claimant or their legal representative.
  • Documentation accrediting their status as holder of the rights allegedly infringed.
  • Detailed information about the rights allegedly infringed by the CSMA, as well as their exact location on the website.
  • Express declaration by the claimant that the use of the content has been made



6.1 Links to third-party web environments.

This portal provides users with technical linking devices, directories, and other tools such as search engines, which allow them to access websites belonging to and/or managed by third parties. The sole purpose of installing these is to provide users with access to information, contents, and services available on the Internet.

The CSMA accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the information included in the websites of third parties which may be accessed via links or search engines included on our page. However, the CSMA commits to removing links if it becomes aware of the existence of illicit or inappropriate content or content that infringes the rights of third parties. The users themselves mat report the existence of such content if they happen to find it.

The CSMA provides access to all types of information, services, programs, or data on the Internet that may belong to third parties. Thus, the CSMA does not become the editor of said contents, nor does it accept direct or subsidiary responsibility for any claims that may arise from the quality, reliability, accuracy, or correctness of said contents.

Any liability is excluded for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or the presence of other harmful elements in the services provided by third parties through the portal that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents, or user files.

The information, software, and/or products or services included in this website may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies, and imprecisions for which the CSMA accepts no responsibility. Neither shall it be held responsible if the errors originate from third-party pages to which the user accesses via links on our portal.

6.2 Links to other websites.

The CSMA informs that links to other websites with buttons, banners, or embedded content included on this website are directly managed by third parties. The CSMA does not have the human or technical means to know in advance, manage, or approve all the information, contents, products, or services provided by other platforms that may be accessed by links in our website.

Consequently, CSMA shall not be responsible for any aspect relating to the platform or webpage whose link may be added to our Website. In particular, as examples, but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its links, and/or any of its contents, in general.

In this regard, if users have actual knowledge that the activities of these third-party websites are illegal and/or contravene current legislation, they must immediately notify the Provider so that it can proceed to disable the access links. This will be done as soon as the CSMA becomes aware of this circumstance.

6.3 Links to other platforms under the responsibility of the CSMA

The CSMA provides users with links that allow access to the channels and pages of the website that the CSMA gets managed by administrations or entities on which its functionally depends (the CSMA, the regional Department of Education, or the Government of Aragon).

Also, to others belonging to and/or managed by third parties (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube, among others), from which it publishes information and promotes services.

Under no circumstances will the CSMA share any private information about its users with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or any other social network that may be incorporated in the future. The information published will be limited to information about the CSMA and its services. In this sense, all information that the user wishes to provide or publish on these platforms outside the CSMA website shall be their responsibility, and the CSMA shall not intervene in this process.

The activation and use of these applications may require the users to identify and authenticate themselves with their username and password. They will also have to expressly accept the legal conditions associated with them. By accessing these external networks, the user enters an environment outside the CSMA website or app and therefore knows and accepts that they act in this respect under their sole responsibility.

For this reason, users must be extremely cautious in the evaluation and use of the information, contents, and services existing in the linked channels and the information of their own or from third parties that they wish to share in these channels.

6.4. Exchange and dissemination of information

The CSMA declines all responsibility derived from the exchange of information between users through its portal. Neither shall it be held responsible for any possible damage created as a consequence of false or inaccurate statements made by the users on the website.



All users may establish links on their webpages to the website csma.es or APPCSMA, provided that they comply with the following conditions:

  • The link may not reproduce the content of the website or parts of it, except under the systems made available by the CSMA.
  • It is not permitted to use frames or systems that allow the creation of a browser or a border environment on the website sections that allow access to its content from other websites or, where appropriate, modify the website appearance for the user.
  • It is not permitted to make false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements or indications about the website or, in particular, to state or give the impression that the CSMA has authorised a specific link, or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the contents or services offered or made available on the webpage where that link is added.
  • The webpage on which the link to the website is added shall not contain information or content that is illicit, contrary to morality, or to the generally accepted good customs and public order. Nor shall it contain content contrary to any third-party rights, including intellectual and industrial property rights and/or the right to honour, to personal or family privacy or one’s image or any other right, or content contrary to the regulations governing the protection of personal data.

The CSMA does not have the human or technical resources to know, control or approve all the information, contents, products, or services provided by other websites that have added links to our website. The CSMA accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any aspect relating to websites that set a link to our website. Specifically, including but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its links, and/or any of its contents in general.



The CSMA declares that access to or use of the website or the app for illegal or unauthorised purposes, with or without economic benefit, is not permitted. Therefore, its consequences shall be the sole responsibility of the user. In particular, and without the following list being absolute, it is forbidden:

  • To use the website in a way that may cause damages, interruptions, inefficiencies, or defects in its operation or in the computer systems of any third party or, where applicable, of the CSMA.
  • To use the website for the transmission, installation, or publication of any viruses, malicious code, or other harmful programs or files.
  • To use the website to collect the personal data of other users.
  • To illegally use the website against good faith, morality, and public order.
  • To register on the website under a false identity, impersonating a third party, or using a fake profile, or performing any other action that may mislead other users regarding the identification of the origin of a message.
  • The unauthorised access to any section of the website, other systems or networks connected to the website, any CSMA server, or the services offered through the website, by hacking or forgery, password mining, or any other illegitimate means.
  • To breach or attempt to breach the security or authentication measures of the website or any network connected to the website or the security or protection measures inherent to the content offered on the website.
  • To take any action that causes excessive or unnecessary strain on the infrastructure of the website or the CSMA’s systems or networks, as well as other systems and networks connected to the website.
  • Failure of the user to comply with any of the above obligations may lead to the CSMA adopting appropriate measures protected by law and in the exercise of its rights or obligations. These may go as far as the deletion or blocking of the offending user’s account, without the possibility of any compensation for the damages caused.



The CSMA cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness, or truthfulness of the totality of the information and/or services included on the website, nor the utility or truthfulness of the documentation made available through the website.

Consequently, the CSMA does not guarantee:

  • the continuity of the contents of the Website.
  • the absence of errors in said contents.
  • the invulnerability of the website from the point of view of security.

Nevertheless, CSMA claims that it has taken all necessary measures within its possibilities and the state-of-the-art to ensure the website’s functioning and minimise system error, guaranteeing the highest security level for users, both from a technical point of view and in terms of the content published on the website.

The CSMA cannot guarantee the legality, reliability, and usefulness of the contents provided by third parties through the website. It can only guarantee the contents published by the CSMA. If users become aware of the existence of any content contrary to the law or that could infringe the rights of third parties, they must immediately notify the provider so that the latter can proceed to adopt the appropriate measures.

In any case, the CSMA reserves the right to, either temporarily or permanently, suspend, modify, restrict, or interrupt access, browsing, use, hosting, and/or downloading of content and/or use of website services, with or without prior notice, to users who contravene any of the provisions detailed in these Terms of Use, without the user being able to claim any compensation.

In the event you breach any part of these Terms of Use, the CSMA may automatically suspend or terminate your account without notice, and in no event shall such suspension or termination entitle you to any compensation.



In compliance with the Spanish Organic Act 15/1999 of 13th December, on the Protection of Personal Data, and subsequent laws, as well as European legislation on data protection, all personal data provided during the use of the website, will be treated following the provisions of our Privacy Policy that all users must expressly accept to use and register in the system.



The parties expressly agree that these conditions shall be governed by and interpreted, in all their terms and conditions, under current Spanish legislation.

Complaints about the use of our services can be sent by mail to the e-mail or physical address indicated in the “Identification” section. The CSMA commits to seeking a solution to the problem at all times.

Privacy Overview

This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.